Woven Nest Louisville Land Acknowledgment
We reside and practice in Current day Louisville, KY, within the Ohio River Valley, which encompasses the ancestral lands of several indigenous nations, including:
Shawnee (Shawano)
Cherokee (pronunciation - Juh luh gee)
Osage (pronunciation - oh sage —wah-zah-zhay)
We honor all of these indigenous nations and their land with great gratitude and acknowledge the genocide and continuous displacement of indigenous peoples. Additionally, we recognize the invaluable contributions of the enslaved Africans whose labor built our nation during the colonial era and beyond. We acknowledge the harm inflicted upon indigenous communities and people of color across the country, which influences our ongoing work.
As we offer telehealth services, we also acknowledge the structures through which our technology is mediated, including approximately 75 million servers and half a million miles of undersea cable that traverse unceded indigenous land and diverse ecosystems. Furthermore, we recognize the extraction and use of rare minerals for our technology, particularly in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, where a brutal civil war is fueled by the mining and extraction of the three T’s (tin, tantalum, tungsten).
Our office, like the rest of the United States, exists on stolen land. It is our collective responsibility not only to acknowledge this truth but also to engage in the active work of social justice. This acknowledgment serves as a commitment to ongoing learning, activism, and the amplification of the voices of Native peoples.